I have been fortunate enough to be part of a feature film production team for a film by director Alez Alzina, a story-based project created for filmmaking from a teaser to a television series.
In this project my duties were cinematographer, and cameraman as well as the making of duties of the shoot.
Video trailer for the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7EfjbL17hQ
CREDITOS: Director: Alex Alzina ( La FASE 2018 )
Ayte Dirección: Jode Morcillo Dir. Camara: Rogelio Batapa Dir. de Sonido: David Hernán Dir. de Ftoografía: Luis Filipe Dir. de vestuario: Ari Bolbereta Dir. de Casting: Silvia Sedano Dir. de Arte: Mahai Berbieru Jefe de producción: David Valverde Funciones: Cámara Áerea: Marcos Diáz Cámara y Fotografia: Luis Filipe Coordinador: Ernesto Cuadriello Ayte. Prodc: Antonio Bayano Ayte Arte: Lilya Bodnarchuk Reparto: - Daniel Rimon - Paula Lopez -Bravo Make Up: Estefanía Fernández - María Barrios - Sandra Torres - Noemi Rodríguez - Lidia Mayoral - Laura Vaquero - Andrea -Alvarez