When you travel you change, you get to know the world and you get to know yourself. This is proof that we can lose our fears of photography, taking photos and the problems of society. Without a doubt, it is a great photo session, without fear and with a very sensual style.
Thanks Teresa
No fear
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Luis Filipe Photohtapher
Phone: (+34) 610431839
Todo empezó hace bastante tiempo y cada vez encontramos más complicidad para poder hacer sesiones como éstas.
Ojalá seguir haciendo cosas así y que ambos sigamos inspirados para hacer realidad todo aquello que nos apetezca.
Gracias por compartir tu tiempo, fotografía, ideas y talento con alguien que no tiene ni idea de este mundo pero que está dispuesta a aprender a estar delante de una cámara y no detrás.
Gracias por animarme a salir de mi zona de confort.
Traveling makes us freer, it makes us open our minds but also opens our hearts. To appreciate the little things more.
It all started a long time ago and every time we find more complicity to be able to do sessions like these.
I hope we continue doing things like this and that we both continue to be inspired to make whatever we want come true.
Thank you for sharing your time, photography, ideas and talent with someone who has no idea about this world but who is willing to learn to be in front of a camera and not behind it.
Thank you for encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone.
j'adore ton travail.