Shooting Playmate AlissBlond

01 October 2019 - Shootings & Workshop - Comments -
Aliss Blond returns to Madrid (international model with publications in different magazines such as the prestigious PlayBoy)

Luis Filipe Photographer - workshop%20nude%20model%20play%20boy%20Aliss%20blond%20Luis%20filipe%20Madrid.jpg

A new 4-hour workshop for only eight assistants.

We have makeup artist and lingerie exclusively for this session.

We start at 10:30 to shoot

Luis Filipe Photographer - mascaras%20plya%20boy%20model.jpg

- The first part of the workshop we will use, the cyclorama and we play with the light, the curves of the models and the assistants can use different masks to make this workshop something fun, different and individual, so as not to have all the same photo. (Shooting with lingerie of the prestigious brand E LakoKette)

- Again we change lingerie and in this case we also change set. We pass to natural light to make two round of 20 minutes, where the model can play with the daring, since it will be sucking the set of a house, where you can play with the model. Being able to make shots, playing between the sheets, a giant teddy bear, a cup of coffee, with a man shirt half-buttoned, high socks, playing to take off your clothes, or half asleep, this being a set with wide options.
And since in this set we work in two groups. We can make a boudoir group as mentioned above and the other group that is a Christmas-style shooting, with red lingerie, Christmas hat, Christmas sweater, high socks or with a giant gift as a dare. - Last part of the shooting will be again individual rounds of 5 minutes, being integral naked to work more comfortable, where the set will be different and be able to finish the session.

Luis Filipe Photographer - aliss-blond-modelo-playmate-boudir-nude.jpg


+34 610 43 1839

Makeup: Puala Hernandez

Lingerie: E LakoKette


Luis Filipe Photographer - 1358537898566-RESERVAS_ONLINE.png Workshop ALISS BLOND ( Madrid) 150€

** Las primeras 4 reservas solo 130 euros


ULTIMAS PLAZAS 150€ (05-11-2019)

  • - N cuenta para reservar tu plaza: ES 65 2100 1264 7002 0031 1400


  • - ( nombre y apellidos, DNI, Justificante de pago y Numero de telefono)

    Envio justificante y datos por e-mail o el telefono de contacto.

    Luis Filipe Photographer - contacto%20luis%20filipe%20fotografo%20avila%20estudio%20fotos.jpg

    Y para los que vienen amenudo a mis talleres saben que siempre existe alguna sorpresa, por l otanto RESERVA TU PLAZA #alissblond #shooting #luisfilipephotographer #nude #workshop

    El estudio donde trabajamos en este taller de fotografía.

    Luis Filipe Photographer - Captura%20de%20pantalla%202019-11-02%20a%20las%2018.14.51.png Luis Filipe Photographer - Captura%20de%20pantalla%202019-11-02%20a%20las%2018.14.38.png C/ Marqués de Monteagudo 20, loft 2

    28028 Madrid Blow Up Studio

    Siguenos en el evento en facebook Luis Filipe Photographer - facebook_luisFilipe_fotografo.jpg Luis Filipe Photographer - Instagram_LuisFilipe_fotografo.jpeg

workshop nude model play boy Aliss blond Luis filipe Madrid
taller de fotos desnudo artistico Madrid Aliss blond play mate
sesion de fotos playboy
aliss blond
making off Aliss blon chica play boy
paula make up
taller aliss blond Madrid Luisfilipe fotografo
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Pablo Fernandez
Me gustaría reservar una plaza para el workshop del día 1/12/19, precio y N de cuenta para hacerte el ingreso
Un saludo Luis
María M
Otro taller que no puedo cuadrar en fechas. Sin duda eres el mejor y tiene una pinta increíble
Tomás Foto
Un taller con buena pinta y una modelo muy guapa,os confirmo en unos días.
Luis Filipe (
Ejemplos de la segunda parte del taller, un autentico taller de boudoir:

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