Nagami Design

06 April 2020 - - Comments -


To my friends and colleagues at Nagami design.


Thanks for the time, work and effort.


Right now and with the current situation, my friends from Nagami stop their production of designer furniture, putting all their technology and tools, to join the fight of the Covid 19 creating protective screens for all those who request it. Screens with its 3d printing process that in the other article already leave my impression.


A gesture that can help protect and save lives. With the aim of stopping this global pandemic that in 2020 is causing so much harm to all of us and thanks to people with initiatives like this it is appreciated and needs to be applauded as well.


To learn more about this project visit its website where we can collaborate to be able to continue producing equipment for all the personnel that need it at the moment.


 Other Nagami Design publications: 

Coronavirus related entry:

 - The importance of insulation:

Luis Filipe Photographer - Empresa-Española-impresion-3d-digital.jpg

#nagamispain #spain3d #luisfilipephoto

nagami design 3d printer spain
Punta impresora 3d nagami design
Nagami design robot print 3d printer
Foto periodismo Luis Filipe españa canon vanguard
fabrica impresión 3d española Nagami design 2020
robot impresion 3d
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Me parece genial, todo el esfuerzo unido, dará su fruto. Felicidades
Rocio luque
Me parece una iniciativa genial.puesto que no hay ,se tiene que arrimar el hombro
Precioso el trabajo fotográfico y precioso también el gesto de Nagami para ayudar a luchar contra la pandemia del COVID-19.
En una propuesta e iniciativa maravillosa, y nis agradecimientos a Nagami por este gesto tan bonito hacia todos
Gran trabajo están haciendo el equipo de Nagami
Muchas gracias por arrimar ese granito de arena para combatir el COVID-19
Todo las iniciativas para esta lucha en estos momentos son buenas ... gracias
José María Hernando
Una iniciativa ejemplar. Para ayudarnos a todos. Un millón de gracias

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