Shooting Nice, Louis Philipe Photographe

26 August 2023 - Photos et photographie Luis Filipe (Shootings) - Comment -

IPhotographe Monaco

The most beautiful thing in life is those gifts or moments that someone could give you, something sentimental, material or physical.

And one of the best gifts that exists is a photo session, it's something physical, you can feel and feel like a model for a while, it's something you can have, something material if you print it and have it in your house, hanging on a wall or on your phone wallpaper.

But without a doubt, giving away photos, or a session is sentimental, where you struggle with fears, things that oneself has and being able to overcome that feeling is a very beautiful feeling, never be afraid of being in front of a camera.

This session is a gift from one sister to another on her visit to Nice, and while visiting the south of France she decides to give away some photos and this is the result.

Luis Filipe Photographer - luis-filipe-photo-nice-monaco-ucraine-models.jpg


Tuesday – Saturday: 6:30 AM – 2 PM
Sunday - Monday: 6:30 AM – 20 PM
Phone: (+33) 0 788 716515

Luis Filipe Photographer - sister-photoshoot.jpg


give away photos.
give moments.
Without a doubt a good gift and the best option to travel is to do something new.
Give the gift of photo sessions during your visit to the Costa, A'Zul, in Nice or Cannes.

freelance photographer Monte Carlo, Monaco
freelance photographer
shooting Luis Filipe Portrait
Retrato Modelo Ucraniana en Niza, sesión de fotos gratis
Freelance photographer Nice, France, Cannes
Photos Luis Filipe
Shooting Luis FIlipe PHoto, Nice, Monaco Ucraine Models
colaboracion de fotos en Niza
free photos collaboration in nice
Shooting Lui Filipe Monaco
Shooting Monaco,Monte Carlo
shooting model ucraine
new photo Monaco
portraits Luis Filipe
Shooting Monaco Monte Carlo
Shooting Monte carlo,Monaco
Shooting Nice ville
Portrait Luis Filipe
portrait Monaco
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Прекрасные фотографии, Луис! 😍 Спасибо большое!! Так красиво вышло ❤️

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